In the peculiar world of Deric Carner's creation, each being birthed is a marvel of nonchalance and ambiguity–tickling, teasing, and triggering embarrassment and delight. These manifestations, the progeny of a fertile and impish mind, are created with such sensuous empathy for the inanimate that they seem to have willed themselves into existence on their own. You may see them as the escapees of the collective modern psyche–bizarre-yet-humdrum, irrational, crossbred, blobular, ambiguous, kinky, and mischievous.​ - Michelle Levy


Deric Carner was born in Virginia and Lives and works in New York City and New Jersey. He has had solo shows at Romer Young, Trestle Projects, Four AM, Louis V E.S.P., and Tent. Rotterdam. Group shows include at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Spring Break, FIERMAN, PROTO Gallery, Radiator Gallery, Present Company, NurtureArt, EFA Project Space, Southern Exposure, and CAC, Vilnius. He has had residencies at the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts and MacDowell and had studios at Root Division and the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts. He received MFA from the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL and the University of Plymouth UK, and a BFA from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

Carner’s book Soft Hard Bodies is available at the Whitney Museum, Printed Matter, St. Marks and Recent writings were included in the Autumn 2021 issue of The Philosopher. Carner has curated exhibitions including Dread in the EyesMidtown and A Place in the Sun at EFA, Ghost Chair at Hamiltonian Gallery, A Dead Dog's Eye at Aquarius, If You Were in My Body at Fierman Gallery, Ways to Lighten Up at Splinters & Logs, The Shhh Sound Was Difficult at Louis V ESP, and Leave the Capital and Sound Device at Root Division.

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